All articles by Karl Lydén

Art in the age of Black Power

‘Soul of a Nation’ at the Brooklyn Museum is an outstanding exposé of the art that emerged in tandem with the promotion of black collective interests in the 1960s and 70s.

– No. Or rather, yes and no

Chairman David Neuman is diplomatic as to whether Magasin III Jaffa, which opens tomorrow, will have a programme that is critical of the political developments in Israel.

What Is Art News?

New quick method: how gossip makes you and the art world more class conscious. American art critic rages: the market’s shocking prices and the latest curatorial coup.

Ten Questions: Karl Larsson

– Nothing could ever be «poetic», and poetry is not an empty container that you could fill with meaning, says Karl Larsson, whose new book is released along with an exhibition at Galleri Signal in Malmö.

The transparent exhibition

The problem with Seeing is believing at Kunstwerke in Berlin can be called an overestimation of the transparent powers of the exhibition as a form to accommodate works of pictorial criticism.

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