All articles by Francesca Astesani

Fuck Me in the Eye

Anne Imhof disappoints in morphing a live performance piece into her first major film work, delivering an infuriatingly long sequence of overhyped images in slow motion.

Precarious Workout

Thinking with Simone Weil and Thomas Hirschhorn, precariousness and fragmentation emerge as forces that reshape ideas of power, monuments, and art’s role in our troubled present.

Sugar Tears

In highly ornamented pieces that seduce the eye, Ebony G. Patterson touches deep colonial wounds and stresses the need to discuss them – without ending up in a muddle.

Recently published

Phantom Pains

Do you fancy yourself an aesthete? Do you love finely tuned museum shows? Do you fetishise Indigenous art? Then the 60th Venice Biennale might be for you!


Nina Beier reminds us that no relationship should be considered unexpected in the 21st century.