Today, Punkt Ø announced the identity of the members of their curatorial team for Momentum 9 in 2017: Ulrika Flink (Sweden), Ilari Laamanen (b. 1983, Finland), Jacob Lillemose (b. 1974, Denmark), Gunhild Moe (b. 1980, Norway) and Jón B.K Ransu (b.1967, Island).
“The team forms a solid unit with broad international experience and experience with bringing art into local communities,” states the press release issued by Punkt Ø, which also quotes its director, Dag Aak Sveinar:
“We look forward to our collaboration with these curators with great expectations. Our ambitions are high, and our aim is to produce a topical and important biennial that engages a wide audience and demonstrates this biennial’s status as one of the key Nordic biennials for contemporary art.”
The press material also states that: “Momentum 9 will maintain a strong interest in engagement in ‘Nordicness’, but the choice of artists will not be limited to the Nordic region. Momentum 9 will embrace the sense of openness found amongst contemporary artists themselves, who think in a more global manner and do not define themselves as belonging to any particular place, but as part of an international art circuit.”
According to Punkt Ø, the five curators were selected in co-operation with the Nordic institutions IASPIS (Konstnärsnämndens internationella program för bild- og formkonstnärer, Sverige), Danish Arts Foundation (Danmark), OCA (Office for Contemporary Art, Norge), CIA (KÍM – Kynningarmiðstöð íslenskrar myndlistar, Island) and FRAME (Näyttelyvaihtokeskus FRAME, Finland).