I «The American Dream» inviterer Petter Goldstine mennesker på middag i sitt midlertidige hjem. Det er helt gratis, men det er bare plass til åtte av gangen inkludert ham selv.
Dette gjør stemingen helt spesiell, men fører også dessverre til at prosjektet er fullbooket for denne gang, -men kanskje blir det muligheter for “ekstraforestillinger”… Ellers er noe av poenget med denne typen prosjekter nettopp den sosiale nærheten man oppnår i små rom der alle synes og alle får snakket, det hadde neppe blitt det samme hverken for kunstneren eller oss dersom det intime formatet ble brutt.
“I går var jeg på middag hos Goldstine. Jeg hadde tatt med meg drømmene mine og tenkt på drømmene til folk jeg så på gata slik jeg hadde fått beskjed om i invitasjonen. Jeg fikk servert middag og dessert, og etter maten var det lysbildeshow fra Goldstines rundtur i USA der han hadde samlet inn folks drømmer. Kvelden var klam og minnerik; ingenting er som en god og viktig samtale etter et godt måltid!”
Fra www.blackbox.no:
The Artist Statement
I am naïve.
I am curious.
I can only be myself.
My life in art began with fine art photography, which manifested into a social documentary form. For five years I have lived among homeless Americans, Gypsies, Palestinians and Israelis, Kurds, Bangladeshi illegal immigrants and guerrilla soldiers; the outcasts of our society. My experiences with these people taught me about a humanity I have rarely felt from photographs. I began to understand that a world of media and advertising has desensitized our ability to be affected by mere images. Thus I began to search for other forms to contact the «viewer». From my journalistic background I have found that art takes up where news and media fall short; to inform people.
Concerned with my influence on society and the influence of society on my actions, I began to see communication from a new perspective. Performance is a direct form of communication, one in which we experience on a daily basis, person to person being the most intimate form of communication. Through this awareness I have begun to understand that the audience’s experience helps define my form of expression and that a community must be formed among the audience along with the performer. My attempt is to make the visitor an essential physical part of what is going on, so that thought and interpretation come from outside the performance and some time later, ultimately confronting them with their own humanity.
The Theme
It’s about Americans.
The American Dream is a question under constant discussion, it exemplifies the idea that through hard work, courage and determination one can achieve prosperity resulting in success. I have been met with consistent cynicism when I have asked younger people about the American dream. Cookie cutter answers of the clichés we have grown up with are the responses to my questions. To find out what the American dream means today, I have to find another approach; I am seeking the personal dreams of Americans.
I have been living abroad for the last four years, during which I have traveled though Europe and the Middle East, worked with multi-cultural groups, lived in communal artists collectives and seen America from a distance. I have learned that, among other things, nations do not make up individuals. Yet this is exactly what is occurring around the world, nations representing individuals, not the other way around. The United States has become a symbol produced by media and pop culture, creating a false sense of America and Americans. This misrepresentation is growing not only abroad but domestically as well.
My goal is to discover a diverse personal identity within this nation.
The Scenario
A dinner party: Guests receive an RSVP invitation for two in the mail.
Prelude: Ten guest are invited each evening, introductions are made and drinks are served. Music is playing in the background, something American. It’s a party, guest mingle while I prepare the food, recipes from people I have met in the United States.
Main event: As the food is simmering in the background, I begin sharing stories of dreams I have collected through out the US. Through anecdotes and incidents a narrative of the American people emerges.
Epilogue: Dinner and a discussion. The gathering of strangers convenes around a table with food for thought. The topic of discussion includes but is not limited to; The ambition of personal dreams and their tie to the American Dream as opposed to humanitarian dreams; How the American Dream has moved through out the world and its affects on the global community today; Are dreams manufactured by society or its individuals; What can be read into the fabric of a society through its dreams.
The Stage
Fully furnished Apartment
Fully operational kitchen
Food and drinks
1 projector
Morgenbladets Svein Egil Hatlevik intervjuer Petter Alexander Goldstine om prosjektet og snakker med Boel Christensen-Scheel om Goldstine og relasjonell estetikk
Kokken, publikum, journalisten og hans fotograf, Svein Egil Hatlev, Morgenbladet, 22 desember, 2006
Sjekk gjerne ut Goldstine på Åpent Forum og , hvor hans prosjekt blir presentert av kuratoren Marianne Coseratt, med Petter Goldstine tilstede altså, han skal lage amerikansk chiligryte til publikum.