Ragnhild Aamås (1984) er billedkunstner og skribent. Fra 2015 til 2021 var hun med å drive det kunstnerstyrte visningsrommet Podium i Oslo.
Failed Rehab
Rob Kulisek sends influencer Meg Yates to a luxury clinic in Switzerland.
Rob Kulisek sends influencer Meg Yates to a luxury clinic in Switzerland.
Which were the most notable art events of 2020? Today’s list is by Oslo-based artist Ragnhild Aamås, a regular contributor to Kunstkritikk.
Stefanie Hessler’s astute critique of Western instrumentalisation of the ocean lacks a strategy for using that narrative as a political instrument.
Contagion measures have prompted many Norwegian exhibition venues to move their mediation to commercial digital platforms, while others stress the importance of keeping open.
The web of global entanglements and flows described by A beast, a god, and a line at Kunsthall Trondheim omits the exhibition’s immediate context.
Presented at Kunstnerforbundet in Oslo, Marthe Ramm Fortun’s obstacle course through the city teases out the prejudices that govern public behaviour.
During a recent international panel discussion about art institutions, participants called for more solidarity in the art field.
Eliyah Mesayer’s fictional state has pitched its black tents in Aarhus. For those already familiar with Illiyeen, the project appears to be stagnating. Perhaps that is the point.
Maja Malou Lyse will represent Denmark at the 61st Venice Biennale in 2026 – as the youngest artist ever in the Danish Pavilion.
Nora Adwan meets an ongoing moral crisis with beauty and dogged optimism.