All articles by Ellef Prestsæter

Man as Interface

With the exhibition Les Immatériaux, Jean-François Lyotard addressed an increasing intimacy between consciousnesses and things. A new book shows the continued relevance of his endeavour.

Avant-Garde Networking

At the inauguration of the conference Nordic Avant-Garde 1975-2000 in Copenhagen today, Ellef Prestsæter proposes a rethinking of the relation between avant-gardes and networks.

A Trip to Gotland 1964/2014

During a few glorious summer days, Kunstkritikk drove around Gotland with Jacqueline de Jong, re-experiencing a trip she made in 1964 with Asger Jorn and his Scandinavian Institute of Comparative Vandalism.

Recently published

Fata Morgana

Eliyah Mesayer’s fictional state has pitched its black tents in Aarhus. For those already familiar with Illiyeen, the project appears to be stagnating. Perhaps that is the point.