All articles by Andreas Schlaegel

Is It Working?

The title of Simon Dybbroe Møller’s mid-career survey, Thick & Thin, suggests a formal investigation into sculpture. But the artist’s reflections on labour hit much harder.

The Silence of the Observer

An international cast of anonymous protagonists populates Francis Alÿs’s Children’s Games. But from what vantage point can the artist and today’s viewers connect across time, space, and cultures?

Anecdotes and evidence

The mid-career survey by Danh Vo, one of the most internationally celebrated Danish artists, hits his hometown with a pop song title. But is it a hit – or a self-congratulatory pat on the back?

The Trickster at Work

Jordan Wolfson’s work that created such bustle at the Whitney Biennial last year is on show at the Schinkel Pavillon in Berlin. But does it still work? Or is it yesterday’s news?

World of Interiors

An autumnal home story, a déjà-vu, and his trademark pastels: Marc Camille Chaimowicz furnishes his exhibition in sublime ambiguity, but the tyranny of our times pulls things into perspective.

Recently published

Lofoten Calling

This year’s Lofoten International Art Festival delves into local history while emphasising the need to connect with the world.


Ulla Wiggen’s retrospective at EMMA in Espoo uncovers her ever-evolving ability to worm her way beneath the surface of the ordinary.