The Magus
– When you need a change, you should change to the opposite, from light to dark, from black to white, says Goutam Ghosh, who has his first show at Standard (Oslo).
– When you need a change, you should change to the opposite, from light to dark, from black to white, says Goutam Ghosh, who has his first show at Standard (Oslo).
Eliyah Mesayer’s fictional state has pitched its black tents in Aarhus. For those already familiar with Illiyeen, the project appears to be stagnating. Perhaps that is the point.
Maja Malou Lyse will represent Denmark at the 61st Venice Biennale in 2026 – as the youngest artist ever in the Danish Pavilion.
Nora Adwan meets an ongoing moral crisis with beauty and dogged optimism.
Everything you need to dream as Valeria Montti Colque’s recreates the Chilean Pavilion in Stockholm.